St. Charles/WestPlex Appraisal Services, LLC

January 10th, 2023 6:41 AM

Welcome to 2023!!!!!

What is your plan for the new year?

I would like to set resolutions and be 100% positive that I would achieve each and every one with no struggle. I mean it is a new year, should be a new attitude and person, right?

No matter how hard we try or what great intentions we have, we do not change overnight. It is a process and a struggle and should be completed in small steps to make permanent changes. If you spend every night on the couch watching TV and you know you need more exercise, do you really believe on January 2nd you will suddenly begin a 4 day a week workout regimen and not have days you fail to complete this task? Of course, you will. It is human nature to put more pressure on ourselves than we can realistically handle. 

I would love to be the most organized person in the world. I should make list, write things down and definitely keep to the planned schedule. But after 56 years of winging it, I don't think I will be perfect at this overnight. So, how do we make the changes we want to make and meet the resolutions we always set for ourselves. 

I am sure, you can find 100's of articles and postings online to help you with just this issue, but they all boil down to the same point. Set smaller goals. Don't say "I am going to work out for 1 hour at least 5 days a week". Instead, try "I am going to start a new workout routine 1-2 days a week and build from there". This gives you time to adjust to the additional hour you need to complete the task and try out a few different workout regimens to find the one that works for you. After you achieve this smaller goal, adding a 3rd day and then a 4th, is not an issue. After a few months you have a routine that you are accustomed to and a workout that you might even enjoy. Not to mention a healthier happier heart!

In my case and probably many others as well. I can't say " I am going to finally keep a complete calendar and write down everything so I can be more organized". First of all, this is very broad. We have a HUGE Goal of Be More Organized, but we are very unspecific about how to get there. Maybe I should start with the calendar. I set a small goal to use a calendar, find a calendar that works for me, and I will review the calendar every other day to ensure it is updated. Smaller goal; keeping a calendar. This is first step in being more productive and organized. When I have that as a habit, I add another area of my day/life that needs work and set a small goal to fix it. 

The point of it all is no one is perfect, and we all have things we need or want to fix or change. Life is not perfect, and people will never be perfect. That is what makes it all so special. The world is constantly changing and evolving, and we need to work out ways to keep up. I would never say don't set a resolution. I think that is giving up in a way. I do however: completely agree with small goals and big celebrations. Be good to yourself, reward the small things and make your life everything you want it to be. 

Just food for thought until next time. As always, we are available to assist with any financial planning you have in store for 2023!!!! Please call today with questions or any other information we can provide. 


Posted by Teresa Schneider on January 10th, 2023 6:41 AMLeave a Comment

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